Polish Vocabulary, Questions, Phrases and Expressions
Learn the most important words and phrases of the Polish language and listen to basic Polish conversations, questions and sentences!
Basic vocabulary
Basic verbs
Basic nouns
Basic adjectives
Days of the week, months & seasons
Date & time
Holidays & good wishes
Food & drinks
Colors, Appearance & Attributes
People & professions
Family, Love & Friendship
Body & health
Countries & languages
Cities & traffic
Travelling & leisure time
As the Polish language has slavic roots, most Polish words have little or no similarity to western european languages such as english or german. Especially in the beginning, this makes it not so easy to memorize the meaning of Polish vocabulary. Besides that, many Polish words have only few vocals and contain several consonants in a row, which is quite unfamiliar to many beginners.
But don’t worry! We have divided the most important Polish words, phrases and conversations into easily digestable chapters, so you can get accustomed to the Polish languages step by step. Also, the Polish alphabet is based on latin script which means you don’t have to learn completely new characters as in e.g. the russian language. The additional Polish characters such as ł or ę might seem strange in the beginning, but you will get used to them in no time. If you are not familiar with their pronunciation yet, have a look at the pages Polish Alphabet & Pronunciation and listen to some of the Videos and Podcasts to get a feel for the Polish language.
Basic Polish Phrases, Questions and Conversations
Greeting & farewell
Asking questions
Giving directions
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