Mówić po polsku [pronounced “Moo-Veech po polskoo”] means “speaking (in) Polish”. Easy, eh?
Now you know your first three Polish words, go on and learn some more. It’s free!
Here we go, let’s start learning Polish:
Polish Alphabet and Pronunciation
Learn the Polish alphabet and the pronunciation rules of the Polish language
Polish Vocabulary and Expressions
Learn basic polish vocabulary, phrases and simple conversations
Polish is a West Slavic language, which is spoken by approximately 50 million people worldwide. Besides of Poland, there are large polish speaking communities in Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, Great Britain, the Ukraine, the USA and Russia. After Russian, Polish is the second most spoken slavic language in the world.
The Polish alphabet is based on the latin Script, extended by nine diacritical signs (ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź and ż). Besides, there are seven digraphs, which are pronounced like one single letter/sound (ch, cz, dz, dź, dż, rz and sz).
Due to the slavic roots of Polish language, most Polish words can not be derived from central european languages. Polish loan words originate from Latin, Greek, Middle High German, Old Czech, in younger history from English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarussian and Turkish languages.
For people from the central european linguistic area, Polish is not quite easy to learn because of its slavic origin, its pronunciation and the complex Polish grammar. On the other hand, accentuation in Polish is quite straightforward as the stress always lies on the second last syllable of the word. Also, many english and latin words can be “polonized” by adding the ending -ować. Examples are “fotografować” (to take a photograph), “parkować” (to park [a car]) or “mailować” (to write an e-mail).
Mówić po polsku is a free platform for learning Polish, addressed at beginners and intermediate learners. From basic words and phrases like “cześć” or “jak się masz?” over first conversations to basic rules Polish grammar, cases and tenses, Mówić po polsku provides hands-on language skills which can be used immediately. Videos and Podcasts help you learn pronunciation and new vocabulary, even while you’re on the move. Thanks to its “mobile theme”, Mówić po polsku can also be used comfortably on smartphones and tablets.
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